Matthew O Sanford

Matthew O Sanford

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Blockbuster Pick-ems Episode 5

Arguably one of the worst Humiliation films gets reviewed by Matt, Mike loves the Dodgers, David tries to imitate Mark Wahlberg, and Lauren hated middle school. Hit us up on Twitter with YOUR top 5 picks!

October 7th, 2016 movie releases:

The Girl on the Train: 3,144 Theatres


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Blockbust Pick-ems Episode 4

Circles, Aliens, and Markie Mark. Lauren delivers on her humiliation review and Mike can't remember what that Johnny Depp/Tim Burton movie about a vampire was called.

Sept. 30th major releases:

Miss Peregrine's School for Peculiar Children: 3,522 Theatres

Masterminds : 3,042 Theatres

Deep Water Horizon : 3,000+ Theatres

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Blockbuster Pick-ems Episode 3

Find out who won this week and check out Mike's humiliation! Just how many boners did Mike give for his Humiliation Review?
The teams now have to pick the top 5 highest grossing films for the Weekend of Sept-23. Who will win?

Sept-23 Releases:
Storks-Warner Bros.- 3,800+ Theatres

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Blockbuster Pick-ems Episode 2

Listen to find out who takes number one this week. Also Matt delivers on his humiliation and reviews his time with Brittney Spears in Crossroads.

Official Releases for September 9th-11th:

The Disappointments Room - 1,554 Theatres

Sully - 3,525 Theatres

When the Bough Breaks - 2,246 Theatres

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Blockbuster Pick-ems Episode 1

Blockbuster Pick-ems is the fiercest film competition on the internet. We compete at predicting the top 5 highest grossing films of the box office every weekend by ranking them and providing predictions on just how much money they make. Four, self proclaimed film gurus, are striving to be top dog

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